Tips for Choosing Perefect Pizza Deck Oven for Your Pizzeria

Choosing Perefect Pizza Deck Oven

If you’re running a pizzeria and you want to elevate your pizza game, one of the most crucial decisions you’ll make is choosing the perfect pizza deck oven. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of selecting the ideal pizza deck oven for your restaurant, ensuring that your customers get to savor the perfect slice every time.

Types of Pizza Deck Ovens

To start, it’s essential to know that there are various types of pizza deck ovens available. They can be broadly categorized into gas, electric, and wood-fired ovens. Each type has its own unique advantages and considerations.

Brick Deck Ovens

Brick Deck Ovens are the epitome of tradition and authenticity. They have been used for centuries and are still cherished by many pizzerias for their unique cooking capabilities. These ovens feature a brick-lined interior that retains heat exceptionally well, resulting in a perfectly crispy crust and evenly cooked toppings. The brick deck ovens are often fueled by wood, gas, or a combination of both, allowing you to infuse that smoky flavor into your pizzas. The downside? They require a skilled operator and a longer preheat time, but the results are worth it.

Conveyor Deck Ovens

If efficiency and consistency are your priorities, Conveyor Deck Ovens are your best friend. These ovens are a staple in commercial pizzerias and can churn out pizzas with precision. The conveyor belt system carries the pizza through the oven at a controlled speed, ensuring even cooking. They are perfect for high-volume establishments where speed is essential. However, some argue that they lack the character and authenticity of brick deck ovens.

Deck Ovens with Stone Surfaces

For those who crave the crispy yet tender crust that only a stone can provide, Deck Ovens with Stone Surfaces are the way to go. These ovens feature a stone deck that evenly distributes heat, creating a delightful texture on the bottom of your pizza. The stones can be made from various materials, like cordierite or soapstone, each offering unique advantages. They are known for their excellent heat retention and ability to create that sought-after charred effect on the crust.

Electric Deck Ovens

Electric Deck Ovens have gained popularity in recent years due to their ease of use and consistent performance. They are energy-efficient and offer precise temperature control, making them suitable for both small pizzerias and home use. While they may lack the traditional charm of brick ovens, modern electric deck ovens are designed to deliver exceptional results.

Hybrid Deck Ovens

Innovation meets tradition with Hybrid Deck Ovens. These ovens combine the best of both worlds, often featuring a combination of gas and electric heating elements. This versatility allows you to switch between cooking styles, making them ideal for experimenting with different pizza recipes. Whether you want a classic wood-fired pizza or a quick, evenly baked pie, hybrid deck ovens offer it all.

Tips for Choosing the Perfect Deck Oven

Space and Location

Consider the available space in your kitchen and the oven’s location. Deck ovens come in different configurations, such as countertop, stackable, or freestanding. Make sure your chosen oven fits seamlessly into your kitchen layout.

Temperature Control

Precise temperature control is vital for consistently perfect pizzas. Look for an oven that offers accurate and easy-to-adjust temperature settings.

Recovery Time

Quick recovery time after opening the oven door is essential to maintaining production efficiency. The faster the recovery time, the quicker you can serve your hungry customers.

Material and Build

Invest in an oven made from high-quality materials, as it will endure the rigors of a busy kitchen. Stainless steel is a popular choice due to its durability and ease of maintenance.


Good insulation not only conserves energy but also ensures that the exterior of the oven remains cool to the touch. This is important for the safety of your kitchen staff.

Stone Deck vs. Steel Deck

Consider whether you prefer a stone deck or a steel deck. Stone decks offer a traditional taste, while steel decks provide a quicker cook time and a crispier crust.

Even Heat Distribution

Ensure that the oven distributes heat evenly across its surface. This results in pizzas with consistent quality from edge to center.

Cost and Budget

While quality should be a priority, consider your budget constraints. Determine the balance between the initial cost and the long-term benefits of your chosen oven.

Energy Efficiency

Look for ovens that are energy-efficient to minimize operational costs. Energy-efficient ovens are not only environmentally friendly but also cost-effective.

Warranty and Service

Check the warranty and availability of service and support for your chosen oven. A reliable service network can save you time and money in the long run.

Training and Resources

Ensure that you and your staff receive proper training on using and maintaining the oven. Knowledgeable staff can maximize the oven’s potential.


1. What type of oven is best for a small pizzeria?

For a small pizzeria, an electric deck oven is often a good choice due to its compact size and ease of use.

2. Can I use a wood-fired oven in a commercial kitchen?

Yes, you can, but it requires proper ventilation and compliance with local fire safety regulations.

3. Are gas ovens more energy-efficient than electric ovens?

Gas ovens tend to be more energy-efficient, but the difference may not be significant in a well-insulated electric oven.

4. What is the average lifespan of a high-quality pizza deck oven?

With proper maintenance, a high-quality pizza deck oven can last 10 to 15 years or even longer.

5. Is it possible to upgrade the oven’s features after purchase?

Some ovens allow for upgrades, but it’s essential to check with the manufacturer to ensure compatibility and availability of upgrades.


Selecting the perfect pizza deck oven for your restaurant is a decision that should not be taken lightly. Consider factors such as oven type, size, efficiency, quality, taste, budget, and maintenance when making your choice. By doing so, you’ll ensure that your restaurant serves delicious, consistent pizzas that keep your customers coming back for more.

If you’re searching for the best place to purchase either a new or used pizza deck oven, look no further than Main Auction Services. We are a leading restaurant supply store in Tulsa offering high-quality restaurant equipment at competitive prices.

Name: Main Auction Services, Inc.

Address: 1310 West Main Street, Grand Prairie, TX

Phone Number: 972-642-0513

By mainauctionservices

Main Auction Services was founded in 1984 by current owner and president, Arnold Main. The company began as a small auction house specializing in the sale of used and new commercial restaurant equipment. Over the years, Main Auction Services has grown to become one of the largest restaurant equipment providers in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. We supply both new and used commercial kitchen equipment to businesses all over Texas. Our staff is experienced and knowledgeable in the auction industry and business management, making us your best choice for buying or selling used restaurant equipment in austin.